Archive for the ‘2moro 明天’ Category


明天 2moro

January 17, 2012

明天 2moro is a Taiwanese boyband, whose members are twins, older brother (right) Anthony Guo (郭彥均) and younger brother (left) Angus Guo (郭彥甫). The twins are graduates from Taipai Physical Education College. The twins got their first taste of stardom in their third year of school, when an advertising company was seeking two similar-looking persons for the filming of a sportswear commercial, and found them a good choice.

Knew them from one of the song named “朋友一起出去走走”, and know that their songs is not bad, so I have search for the entire songs of them. Lastly, found out that they look good in their music video, and start to likes them and keep listen to their songs.

When both of them are together, you can actually differentiate them easily. Actually, until now i still find it hard to differentiate who is older brother and who is younger brother, I just find it hard sometime.

Between both of them, I am actually like the younger brother more, but when I search for some of their information and I actually saw some article that saying Angus are flirt to many girls. It spoiled the image of him in my heart, but I still like their appearances and their songs anyway.

When and type “2moro” in google searching engine, this was the first thing showing up and I actually wondering what purpose their take this kind of picture, silver and gold~

Just feels that he doesn’t look as good as his younger brother… but well, picture are always doesn’t look better than the real person, but inside the music video he did look pretty well. =)

He is more charm than his older brother is, although they are twins’ brother. I really hope that the article was not really a true story. =/




I likes this songs and also likes their appearances in this music video.

by: NickBabby